Saturday, October 4, 2014

L'Introduction: The New Blog Premier!

I am incredibly excited to premier my very first, non-travel blog to you all today!  I sheepishly admit to you that I have not written a single blog post in probably two years.  I started keeping blogs when I was in college and traveling abroad for long periods of time.  I have been incredibly fortunate to have traveled to Morocco, India, and Germany among others, and my travel blogs were a fantastic way to let my whole family and all of my friends know what I was up to without breaking the bank buying stamps or sucking up all my time writing personal emails and letters.  I have put links to both of my old travel blogs on the right side menu of this blog, just in case you're interested in taking a peak.  Beware, they may be somewhat juvenile since they were written two to four years ago.  However, I've been told by several friends that my stories are somewhat amusing, so if you're looking for something slightly comical, yet informative, I suggest you check out some of my past work.

Deciding to return to the world of blogging however, was not some whimsical decision (OK, maybe it was a little bit whimsical), rather, it is a strategically thought out plan to a) retain some of the writing skills I acquired while in college, b) force myself to stay up-to-date about all the issues and debates in our society today and actually form my own informed opinion, and c) to establish an internet presence or "street cred" so when potential employers Google my name (which they will) they will see that I am a person of substance.  I also thought it could be fun, which is the whimsical part of this decision.  I hope to use this blog to explore thoroughly how I see and interpret the world around me, which is why I want this blog to draw from a wide range of material.  Although I majored in International Relations and Religious Studies in college, my world does not simply involve reading Al Jazeera English, BBC World News, or the New York Times, and mulling over current events like the protests in Hong Kong, or the implications the emergence of ISIL has on our future foreign relations with the Middle East.  In addition to these musings, I often find myself thinking about the best artisan cheeses in Vermont, how cute my cat would look in a costume if I was crazy enough to try to dress her up, how best to cook the squash I have in my fridge for dinner, and how much I love listening to Planet Money and Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me on NPR.

In conclusion, I hope to write about anything and everything that contributes to my reality.  Some entries will be serious; I hope to address and spread awareness of topics like the deadly conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Restorative Justice and Interfaith Dialogue, and sustainable living among others.  Other topics will be more genial and lighthearted, perhaps a reflection about how I interact with my cat, Jemima, a review of different muffin recipes or a Capella YouTube videos, or my current knitting (and hopefully spinning) projects.  I want to talk about serious issues in society that make me uncomfortable; I want to showcase my amazing weirdness because I'm sort of a ridiculous person and I like that about myself.  Really, the sky's the limit, which I find rather exciting.  So sit back, relax, and check up on this blog every week, which is how often I hope to post.  Feel free to comment on my work, I relish good intellectual conversation and debate.

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