Saturday, October 18, 2014

Light-Hearted Post #1: Jemima Fish

Since I missed my own personal deadline for my second ever blog post, I am now pushing myself to write my third one on time.  Needless to say, the quick turn-around has left me no choice but to write about my cat, Jemima Fish.  Just kidding, I really really really want to write about my cat, a lot.  The only snafu I can see, is how exactly I am going to write about her.  This shouldn't be my typical (do I have a "typical" yet?) prosaic, structured blog post.  Actually, upon further reflection, I haven't really given one hoot to the structure, or prose, for that matter, of my blog posts so far.  Clearly, this is something I will work on in the future, but not now.

Now, back to Jemima.  I figured I should have a little fun with this.  I picked out some of my favorite pictures I've taken in the last few weeks, and have decided that I will write a little poem about each one.  I'm no poet, so this should be...interesting?  I'm actually a little nervous, because my sister, Melba Chops (I've given the option to everyone I mention in this blog to come up with a sweet pseudonym), writes very good poetry actually, and I honestly feel a little intimidated.  So here it goes, I've tried to pick a variety of poetry styles for your added enjoyment, and my sanity, because if I wrote them all as sonnets or something that would just be annoying, for me at least.

A Limerick of Love

Here lies a cat named Jemima Fish,
Who eats grain free food from a dish.
And every day right before my alarm,
She jumps on my bed and scratches my arm,
So I dive under my sheets with a swish.

Now, I'm not sure if that was a real limerick, because it didn't start with the famous phrase "there once was a..."  In some of my first drafts I started with those words, but I later changed them to better illustrate what you see in the picture.  More importantly, that old beginning phrase makes it seem like she's dead, and I can assure you, she's not dead, not even a little bit.

 The Acrostic Kitten


Yes, I know, acrostic poems can be more complex than this, but it also took me a very long time to come up with appropriate adjectives.  I have a (self-imposed) deadline people!  The next two poems are haikus because they're the easiest poems for me to write.  I know I mentioned in the beginning of this post that I wanted to do four distinct styles of poetry, but I learned that writing anything in iambic pentameter will take me forever, and I'm just not in the mood for free verse, but I love a good haiku.  Like I said, my sister Melba Chops is much, much better at this poetry thing than I am.

When she sleeps like this
My ode to Star Trek fandom
Here is a Tribble
If you didn't already know this about me, I'm going to come right out and say it: I really enjoy watching Star Trek.  My parents are Trekkies, so it was a big part of my life growing up.  My favorite series is Deep Space Nine.  Since "Trials and Tribble-ations" is one of my favorite episodes from the series, not only is this an homage to Star Trek in general, but also to that show in particular.  I suggest you check it out if you haven't yet.  Seriously, do it.  I'll wait....

Ok cool, now back to my final haiku:

Saturday morning
Were you going to read this?
Guess who got here first

This happens a lot in my house.  Jemima loves sitting on paper, and she especially loves sitting on my copy of Seven Days.  She also loves to give me that "what are you gonna do about it?" look and my heart melts a little, because when it comes to her, I'm a really big pushover.  

In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who has taken time from their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or (hopefully) your favorite news website (but not Fox) to read this poetic post about my cat.  As I've mentioned before, this blog is a forum for me to reflect about my life through pictures and poetry, but to also compose well researched opinion pieces about everything that's happening on this big blue marble.  I'd love to have a journalistic piece soon, but the research is going to take time, and I'm a wee bit out of practice.  So in the mean time, please enjoy looking at pictures of my cat!

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